Skills Competition

Skills Competition Rules: Click Here for Registration Forms

 Thank you for participating in the USSSA Great Lakes/Midwest National Championships. The below information will detail the events of each skills competition, the rules and the participants. All Skills Competitions will be held on July 16th at the O’Fallon Family Sports Park. There are ample opportunities in this skills competition, and we hope that you take full advantage of this and get as many players involved in this event as possible.

This event will be administered in stations at the park to help organize the activities as much as possible. Please get through these as quickly as you can.

BASERUNNING RELAY (O’Fallon, Red Quad Field 5 – Infield)

4 members from each team will participate in this timed relay. Runner #1 will go home to home and after she crosses home plate runner #2 will take off, then so on until runner 4 goes home to home. The top 2 teams per age group in this relay will win awards.

THROWING – STAR DRILL (O’Fallon, Red Quad Field 6 – Infield)

5 members from each team will participate in this timed throwing drill. Each player will be located near a marked position on the field to resemble their starting position. The ball starts at the catcher. Catcher throws to the Shortstop, the Shortstop throws to 1B, the 1B to the 3B, the 3B to the 2B, and 2B to the Catcher. Each team will get two timed opportunities; the best time will be used for ranking. The top 2 teams per age group will win awards.

CATCHER’S COMPETITION (O’Fallon, Red Quad Field 5 – Centerfield)

One catcher from each team will participate in this timed competition. The catcher will place all of their equipment near the base. Their task is to apply all of their gear (shin guards, chest protector, helmet and mask), sprint to the next base and back to then remove their gear. Each participant needs to bring their own catcher’s gear. Once the last piece of gear hits the ground, time will stop. The top 2 finishers in each age group from the competition will receive awards.

PITCHING VELOCITY COMPETITION (O’Fallon, Red Quad Field 7 – Infield)

There may be a max of 2 participants from each team in this contest. Each participant will get one warm-up pitch followed by 3 “clocked” pitches. Highest speed on an individual pitch will win the contest. In case of a tie, the 2nd fastest speed will be used to break the tie. If necessary, the third fastest pitch will be used if tied after the 2nd fastest pitch. The top 2 individuals per age group will win awards.

DIZZY BAT RACE (O’Fallon, Red Quad Field 8 – 1st Base Infield)

All team participants may participate in this competition and ONE COACH is required for this event. Team members must spin 8 circles around a “dizzy bat” and run a specified distance. The clock will start as soon as the participant’s forehead touches a bat. The top two teams in each division, with the shortest time, will win an award.

DIZZY BAT RELAY (O’Fallon, Red Quad Field 8 – 3rd Base Infield)

This will be a 4-person race. Team members must spin 8 circles around a “dizzy bat” and run a specified distance. The clock will start as soon as the participant’s forehead touches a bat. The top two timed teams/Age will win an award. One team member must be a Coach.

4-LEGGED RACE (O’Fallon, Red Quad Field 6 – Left field)

This will be a 3-person race.  You will be bound together as a 4-legged team and have to travel a specific distance.  The fastest time in each age group will win.