Tournament Satisfaction Survey

Tournament Survey
Play It Forward Sportz is continually looking for ways to improve your team's tournament experience. Your feedback will assist us in these efforts. Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey.
1. Overall, how satisfied were you with the event you participated in, hosted by a member of the Play it Forward Sportz team?
2. Which of the following words would you use to describe the tournament ? Select all that apply.
3. How responsive were we, prior to the event, to questions about the tournament?
Overall, how would you rate the Umpires at the tournament?
5. Please use the comments below to explain your answer in question 4. Select all that apply
7. Which of the following words would you use to describe your t-shirt pre-order/purchase process? Select all that apply.
Please contact us at [email protected], 217-840-7929 or Jenn [email protected], 618-927-6534 with any questions.
8. How long have you been participating in our tournaments?
*This information is key to park districts receiving a portion of the hotel tax to improve their facilities. Your information will help to justify the need.